Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 116-A Seed Was Unknowingly Planted In My Garden Once Upon A Time

Started with an assigment
Just a thing
Just some words
Just to get a grade
Mostly silly
With no point
At that point
I did not know
That this would become a thing
A tool
A way
To let my feelings
Flow free
My poetry

Day 115-The Probablity Of Failure When Taking Chances Is Slim Says The Optimist In Me

Feels like change
The kind one could get used to
Cling to
Feel safe around
In a world full of change
The type that scares you
To fear any of it
The chances
33.3% things will get better
33.3% things won't change
33.3% thing will get worse
Are nothing to be scared of
Not at all